Come and explore the wonderful world of EcoTales!
Come and explore the wonderful world of EcoTales!
Alizeh Air
‘Alizeh Air’ is a fun, fearless adventurer. He loves to tell stories of the distant lands that he’s visited, and teach us all about the particles and gasses that make up the air we breathe. Don’t get on the wrong side of him - or he could demonstrate his true power by becoming a whirling tornado.
Bod Biodiversity
‘Bod Biodiversity’ is calm, kind and nurturing. She is passionate about all life on earth and knows what every habitat needs to maintain balance and thrive with life.
‘Cycles’ loves adventure! His natural curiosity leads him on exciting journeys into the magical world of nature’s cycles. He is able to become a part of the constant motion that regulates and balances our world, so that life can exist on our planet.
Dizzy Disaster
‘Dizzy Disaster’ loves to travel and often pops up in the most unlikely of places. However, she isn’t a welcome visitor, simply because everybody knows that when Dizzy appears, a disaster is always just around the corner!
Etta Earth
‘Etta Earth’ is an avid gardener. She loves nothing more than to feed the people of Plumpton with the food that she grows in her kitchen garden. Most of the time ‘Etta Earth’ remembers her grandmother's ancient stories that taught her valuable lessons about respecting the land. However, she can become more than a little caught up by the demand for her produce - with catastrophic outcomes.
Professor Flora
The wonderfully knowledgeable 'Professor Flora' learned the magic of healing with wild plants from her grandmother. She uses ancient remedies that have been passed down through generations. She is incredibly scientific in her approach and understands the power, complexity and functionality of all plants. She is often found scribbling in her notebook as she rediscovers long lost remedies.
…Featuring Dr Fungi
As Professor Flora's loyal side-kick, 'Dr Fungi' specialises in all fungi-related matters. From sharing the medicinal benefits of many common mushrooms, to identifying the powers of new specimens, as well as understanding the super networking skills of forest fungi that connects all the beings of the forest.
Gregor Greed
'Gregor Greed' is entrepreneurial and enthusiastic about progress. However, he can be very short sighted when planning his various business ventures, failing to understand the negative impact he is having on the natural world. Unfortunately ‘Gregor Greed’ will not be told, and all too often creates a disaster that he must ultimately resolve. Luckily for him, there is always a EcoTales character to help him fix his mess.
Hadi Hibernate
‘Hadi Hibernate’ pays close attention to the signs of the changing seasons. When he feels the summer turn, he gathers food and finds a secure cave to sleep in for the winter while the green vegetation he eats is in short supply. He solves the problem by hibernating until Spring!
Isy Invertebrate
'Isy Invertebrate’ is on a mission to champion the planet’s smallest creatures, who are always busy pollinating the world’s plants, keeping the soil healthy so that things can grow, and recycling dead plant and animal matter (including animal poo!) to keep the world tidy. Isy can fly and use the power of the sun to recharge herself like a battery!
Joe Jungle
‘Joe Jungle’ is a survivor with super-quick reflexes! She is friends with all the creatures that live in her jungle home, which is a good thing as she often needs their help. She loves to climb to the tops of the tallest trees and look out over the canopy listening to the calls of her friends floating on the wind.
Kyra Knowlege
As an intrepid explorer with a black belt in Karate, 'Kyra Knowledge' has an unquenchable thirst for learning and discovering the truth. When involved in a tricky situation, she draws upon her infinite wisdom and kindness to understand the bigger picture. 'Kyra Knowledge' has survived in some of the harshest environments on the planet, and has a deep connection with nature wherever she roams. She has studied many ancient cultures and often visits her friends to learn from their traditions and to help them protect their homes. Her favourite hobby is stargazing, she knows and is able to navigate her way by using the stars as her guide.
Lance Litter
‘Lance Litter’ is a very tidy boy. He likes everything to be neat and in its correct place. The sight of discarded rubbish thoughtlessly thrown on the ground, sends him into a spin! You’ll never see him without his trusted litter picker.
Milo Microwave
‘Milo Microwave’ is part of the Earth’s natural electromagnetic signals which migrating creatures use to navigate their way around the world. He is clever, can turn invisible, and he is a little bit worried about the multitude of signals joining in the atmosphere him from modern technologies.
Nelek Noise
There is never a dull moment when ‘Nelek Noise’ is around! He is bouncy and wild, some might say a little crazy! He loves to sing and zoom around as fast as the speed of sound. However he often unwittingly causes trouble for other creatures with his loud voice and crashing and bashing around.
Ozzy Ocean
‘Ozzy Ocean’ is a cheeky, happy-go-lucky character and a popular resident of Oyster Bay. He is passionate about the marine world, and will do all he can to project it.
Poly Plastic
'Poly Plastic' was made by Leo, a clever scientist at Rock Laboratory. Although Poly is extremely useful, this cheeky misfit superhero must be handled with care! Her unique superpowers make her both indestructible and able to mould herself into any shape or object she wishes. However, it is these very qualities that make her adventures into the wild so dangerous. The question is, where will she escape to next?
Wise 'Queenie' is the guardian of all bees in all the lands. She carefully considers all approaches and outcomes to the many problems her bees face, and is able to call on her many friends to help her solve them.
Rhea Reuse
‘Rhea Reuse’ can make ingenious new things out of unwanted junk! She believes in reusing and refilling whenever possible in order to cut down on waste. She is resourceful, creative and handy with a power tool!
Sol Sun
'Sol Sun' is wise and thoughtful and has been shining down on earth for billions of years. His thought-provoking riddles will leave you pondering your actions and questioning how you can make a difference in the world. Be careful not to make him angry otherwise you could be on the receiving end of his very fiery temper
Teddy Tree
'Teddy Tree' is the ultimate forest survival expert. He understands all trees and the ancient traditions that surround them. He is full of surprising tree facts that will change the way you think of these giant leafy beings forever!
Una Underground
‘Una Underground’ is a palaeontologist, she studies the earth and can read our planets history just by understanding what each layer of dirt or rock is trying to tell her. She is calm, clever and intuitive. She always thinks very carefully about her conclusions.
Vito Vanish
'Vito Vanish’ represents all creatures that have vanished or are vanishing from our planet. All his unique markings and features are reminiscent of these old friends. He has the ability to blend into his surroundings and ‘disappear’ when he is frightened.
Willow Water
'Willow Water' has the magical ability to shift between different states as she traverses the globe. She is always on the move, using her powers to keep all living things alive. There is no corner of the planet she hasn’t visited, from the mountain peaks of the Himalayas to the deepest depths of the Arctic ocean. ‘Willow’ is all too familiar with the changes occurring on our planet and the worrying impact our modern world is having on nature.
Xavia Xerophyte
‘Xavia Xerophyte’ is tough! She roams the world’s driest deserts proving that life can adapt and survive against all odds - and with only the tiniest droplets of water.
'You' is here to remind us all that we are all part of nature, and that we can all do little things every day to help care for and protect the wild and wonderful beings with whom we share our beautiful planet.
Zero Impact
'Zero Impact' is an inventor who is fascinated by ‘biomimicry’, This means he looks to nature for ideas to help us find sustainable solutions to modern problems. Zero’s house is powered by the wind and the sun. He designed his roof to catch rainwater that he filters and uses to drink, wash and water his garden.
'Zero’ uses his innovative mind to help his friends and often steps in to guide Gregor Greed away from his destructive money making business ideas towards environmentally friendly alternatives.